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5 Ways to Start Your Day POSITIVE!

5 Ways to Start Your Day POSITIVE!

Rachael Smith

Mornings can define or play a role in the start of your day. Some people can pop out of bed and get started with a giant smile on their face. But for others, when your alarm clock rings, it's snoozing 5 times plus and the dread of dragging yourself out of bed and heading straight to the coffee maker. Even though not everyone is a morning person, starting your day off positively; Studies show that when you begin your day in a positive mood, it increases your chances of remaining happy as your day develops and helps you make better decisions.

Creating good morning habits doesn't necessarily mean you have to wake up at 6 a.m. to go to workout. There are little things you can do that take just a few minutes, but can improve your overall performance with your day. And the will increase desire for that future workout!

For the “morning” and even "non-morning" people, there are ways to start your day off right without even getting out of BED!!!! Take a look at these 5 ideas that do not even require you leaving the comfort of your cozy bed.

1. Pick 1 Thing You Are Thankful For

Idea: Maybe that first snooze you think about 1 thing that you have positively accomplished till the next alarm goes off. Maybe it’s a job promotion, or a new friend you made. Take that time to just be thankful that the specific thing that brought you joy! Let that hit you! People who express gratitude about their lives feel more optimistic and happier overall.

2. Treat Yourself

This is one of my favorite phrases, even though everything good still requires a level of discipline, haha. Grab a cup of your favorite tea or coffee with your favorite creamer, and hop back into bed! Cuddle with your dog, significant other, or kids. Take a moment to breath them in, they are in your life for a reason and you love them! Doing something you enjoy first thing in the morning will help set your overall tone for the rest of the day. Kiss, hug , and love!!!

3. Set Some Goals

I learned this from someone I enjoyed so much in life, and often share it. Before bed I make a quick list of things I want to do the next day so I can shut my brain off. It’s the “goodnight routine”. This is a little different. Whether is big goal, like I am going to crush a giant presentation at school or work. Or something smaller, like buying a coffee for a friend. I have amazing people in my life, and when a friend sends over a $7 Venmo that says “Starbucks” I light up immediately. I love the thought of making someone feel loved and feeling loved. This sets you on the right track to success, but helps you feel happier as well.

4. Stretch

No need to hit the gym to do this. Stretching in bed for just a few minutes releases dopamine, improving your mood, your self-esteem, and boosting your energy. Doing a few stretches and practicing your breathing can help keep you relaxed for the rest of the day. 5 slow deep belly breaths: try breathing in slowly through your nose, hold that breath in for 5-10 seconds, and slowly release that breath. Bring your knees into your chest and let them fall to the right and then to the left. Maybe start with one specific stretch in the morning and then add another the next week. Work up to 3-5 stretches in bed before you get out and about. Stretching can help stimulate circulation, increase flexibility, and let go of tension. Bringing more oxygen to your muscles, will help reduce lactic acid production. This will help improve the quality of your body composition, and burn a small amount of calories.

5. End Your Day with Something Fun

Think of something that you will love doing once your day is done and give yourself something to look forward too. This can leave a smile on your face for the rest of the day. Even science has to agree: Studies show that anticipating something exciting can bring you just as much excitement as the event itself. I have found in my own life anticipation mixed with appreciation is an amazing combination for overall joy.


Remember never to compare but create something beautiful for yourself. Try these ideas and share more if you come up with something cool that works for you!



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